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Introducing our new portfolio review service for professionals

    The vast majority of pensions funds, charities, endowments and other institutional portfolios have underperformed the market for decades. The way to stop the rot is to have an independent portfolio review, reduce fees and complexity, and increase diversification. From today, that’s precisely what TEBI is offering.   As anyone who’s read The...


Investing lessons from the world of tennis

As a fan of British tennis I’m having to pinch myself at the moment. For all my life we’ve been a laughing stock; a Brit reaching the second round at Wimbledon has been a cause for national celebration. But now we’re the Davis...


Asset management — the one industry that was never Thatcherised

  Pensions hit the headlines in the UK this weekend, with the news that Chancellor George Osborne has shelved a plan to reduce tax relief on savings in his forthcoming Budget. It’s not a debate I want to get into. Suffice it to...


#SFTW: Buffett vs the index — who’s winning?

SOMETHING FOR THE WEEKEND Buffett The media loves Warren Buffett. Everyone does. And I’m a big fan too, not least because he’s a staunch advocate of indexing for ordinary investors. He’s also idolised by those who believe in active management. He is, simply,...


How good is Buffett really?

The media loves Warren Buffett. Everyone does. And I’m a big fan too, not least because he’s a staunch advocate of indexing for ordinary investors.


DGFs — another over-marketed investment product to avoid

There’s a fairly reliable rule of thumb in asset management that the more hype and expectation that surrounds a particular product, the more it costs and the lower the net returns it delivers to investors. Diversified growth funds, or DGFs, are a classic...


Casting out sin — passive investing for Catholics

Investing for Catholics. Ethical, or socially responsible, investing is growing fast. It’s estimated that up to £32trn ($45trn) globally is now invested in ethical funds. In Europe, SRI has seen double-digit growth since 2011. In the US, as of year-end 2013, more than...


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