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Introducing our new portfolio review service for professionals

    The vast majority of pensions funds, charities, endowments and other institutional portfolios have underperformed the market for decades. The way to stop the rot is to have an independent portfolio review, reduce fees and complexity, and increase diversification. From today, that’s precisely what TEBI is offering.   As anyone who’s read The...


Multi-manager funds — Who needs ’em?

  “99% of what you read about investing in magazines and newspapers,” the investment author William Bernstein once wrote, “is worse than useless”. Although I see where he’s coming from, I think that’s harsh. There are some outstanding investment journalists out there; Jason...


#SFTW: Financial planning isn’t about selling funds

SOMETHING FOR THE WEEKEND Financial planning. Paul Armson thought that being an adviser was all about selling investment products — until he started asking different questions. He now heads Inspiring Advisers, an organisation working to restore financial planning to its rightful place as...


Financial planning has nothing to do with products — Paul Armson (Part 1)

  Paul Armson thought that being an adviser was all about selling investment products — until he started asking different questions. He now heads Inspiring Advisers, an organisation working to restore financial planning to its rightful place as a valued profession, totally unconnected...


How to keep track of tracking difference

  There aren’t many blogs (other than this one, of course) that evidence-based investors ought to follow. But Monevator is definitely one of them. It’s very well-written and brimming with insight and useful advice. Although it’s UK-based, it appeals (as we aim to...


The investing industry is glad that most of us are clueless

  Of all the (mainly positive) feedback I received about my documentary How to Win the Loser’s Game, one of the most memorable emails came from an adviser in Canada. He referred to what he called “the perfect rigging of the investment system”,...


#SFTW: This is the year for active managers. Honestly

SOMETHING FOR THE WEEKEND Active managers. Every year they say it, and almost every year they’re wrong: “2013/14/15/16 (delete as appropriate) is the year to back actively managed funds”. Last January, we were told, conditions were perfect for active managers to use their...


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