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Introducing our new portfolio review service for professionals

    The vast majority of pensions funds, charities, endowments and other institutional portfolios have underperformed the market for decades. The way to stop the rot is to have an independent portfolio review, reduce fees and complexity, and increase diversification. From today, that’s precisely what TEBI is offering.   As anyone who’s read The...


Believe in proper financial planning? See you in Brum

  There are so many conferences about wealth management and financial advice that it’s a wonder any of us who work in this field manage to get any work done! But if there’s one conference I’d recommend that investment professionals attend, it’s BACK2Y. ...


Did your adviser really tip Woodford before he was famous?

  There are hundreds of thousands of money managers in the world, and it’s a mark of how few of them manage to deliver consistently strong performance that those who do so are household names. Warren Buffett, of course, is the name repeated...


Good investment advice makes for boring TV

Boring TV. The media has an important role to play in producing better outcomes for investors. We need journalists not only to help improve standards of investor education but also to ratchet up the pressure on the vested interests that stand in the...


#SFTW: Investors beware — the spirit of Gordon Gekko lives on

SOMETHING FOR THE WEEKEND Gordon Gekko. There’s plenty of excitement in the financial blogosphere about The Big Short — the new movie about the credit crisis of 2007-08, based on the book by Michael Lewis, and starring Christian Bale, Steve Carrell and Brad...


The culture of greed is alive and well on Wall Street

  There’s plenty of excitement in the financial blogosphere about the The Big Short — the new movie about the credit crisis of 2007-08, based on the book by Michael Lewis, and starring Christian Bale, Steve Carrell and Brad Pitt. Frustratingly, I still...


Recent winners are often just the funds to avoid

  Everyone loves a winner, so it’s only natural that when they’re looking for funds to invest in, people veer towards those that are on a good run. Of course, the fund industry is acutely aware of this all-too-human tendency; hence the emphasis...


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