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Introducing our new portfolio review service for professionals

    The vast majority of pensions funds, charities, endowments and other institutional portfolios have underperformed the market for decades. The way to stop the rot is to have an independent portfolio review, reduce fees and complexity, and increase diversification. From today, that’s precisely what TEBI is offering.   As anyone who’s read The...


Hargreaves needs a rethink. Its business model is broken

  Hargreaves Lansdown is one of the biggest success stories in Britain’s financial services industry. What started as a DIY investment supermarket is also now a robo-adviser, fund manager and pension platform, and it’s just announced plans to add peer-to-peer business lending to...


Something for the weekend

  SOMETHING FOR THE WEEKEND   It was meant to symbolise the renaissance of Birmingham, but less than two years after it opened, our iconic new library is in dire financial straits. Basically, the City Council is skint. As a result of cutbacks...


Is Pension-gate the next big scandal to rock the financial services industry?

  One of the more regrettable aspects of the investment industry is that much of its focus is on the top 10% — and in many cases, the top 1% — of income earners. It is perhaps inevitable given that the wealthiest clients...


Investors shouldn’t need to crack the Enigma code to work out costs

  It’s probably my age, but it’s as much as I can do after a hard day’s work to walk the dog, eat supper and flop in front of the TV. The thought of having to spend my evening trying to crack the...


Time to explode the City of London myth

  We Brits are a funny lot. We apologise incessantly. We love to do ourselves down. And yet there are certain things — sorry about this — at which we really are the best in the world. Or at least we like to...


If only journalists quizzed fund managers like they do politicians

  I was never cut out to be a showbiz reporter. As I recall, our usual correspondent was otherwise engaged, so I was pulled off my usual general news brief and despatched hotfoot to the Odeon Leicester Square to interview Jennifer Aniston at...


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