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A good job requires more than a good salary

By ROBIN POWELL One of the highest forms of wealth, the author and behavioural expert Morgan Housel recently wrote , is having a career...

Global warming puts heat on banks

While global warming is already affecting weather and climate extremes in every region of the globe, it is also increasingly seen by...

Global warming puts heat on banks

While global warming is already affecting weather and climate extremes in every region of the globe, it is also increasingly seen by...

Quality, the flip side of value

By LARRY SWEDROE The existence of a quality premium in stocks that has been persistent over time, pervasive around the globe and robust...

Announcing an exciting new collaboration

Here at The Evidence-Based Investor, we are always looking at ways to improve the quality and breadth of our content, and today we have...

Announcing an exciting new collaboration

Here at The Evidence-Based Investor, we are always looking at ways to improve the quality and breadth of our content, and today we have...

Ten excuses for not investing

Here at TEBI, we often remind investors how important it is to keep their costs low and to focus on the long term. But perhaps we ought...

Ten excuses for not investing

Here at TEBI, we often remind investors how important it is to keep their costs low and to focus on the long term. But perhaps we ought...

Relative returns vs absolute performance

Some active fund managers tend to downplay the importance of benchmarks. What I'm focused on, they might say, is delivering an absolute ...

Relative returns vs absolute performance

Some active fund managers tend to downplay the importance of benchmarks. What I'm focused on, they might say, is delivering an absolute ...

How can you hedge against inflation?

Inflation makes the front page of many of today's newspaper headlines in the UK — and not just the FT. Why? Because the Bank of England’s...

How can you hedge against inflation?

Inflation makes the front page of many of today's newspaper headlines in the UK — and not just the FT. Why? Because the Bank of England’s...


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