Robin writes:
It’s rare that Aston Villa supporters go to Wembley and actually experience WINNING something. But last night it finally happened. How to Fund the Life You Want, which I wrote with Jonathan Hollow, is officially an award-winning book. It was unanimously adjudged Work and Life Book of the Year at the Business Book Awards.
According to one of the judges, Susan Anderton, “How to Fund the Life You Want was a joy to read. The advice at the beginning of the book suggested to dip in and out for guidance. The judges read it from cover to cover and were unanimous in choosing them as the best book of the category. Whatever your age — new career or planning retirement, this is a consultancy tool that should be part of your financial planning portfolio!”
Thank you to all our readers and everyone who’s inspired me in my mission to explain the the life-changing benefits of evidence-based investing combined with proper financial planning.
We’re hugely grateful as well to the team at Bloomsbury Business, The Book Publicist, our agents Newson Wallwork Media Limited and Business Book Awards.
You can buy the book here.
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