Robin writes:
We can clearly see what we pay for a pint of milk or a litre of fuel. Our phone, gas and electricity providers are required to send us a regular statement. But a major ongoing expense most people don’t really think about is the cost of investment management. It is, if you like, the bill we never get to see.
If you knew how much you’re paying, and the impact it’s having on how wealthy you’ll be in retirement, you might be horrified.
Join my fellow author Jonathan Hollow and me for this FREE event at Soho House in The Strand on 17th May to learn more about investment fees and charges, and what you can do maximise your chances of achieving your investment goals.
Spaces are strictly limited. Book early to avoid disappointment. Believe me, your future self will thank you.
If you haven’t yet read How to Fund the Life You Want, the new book, published by Bloomsbury Business, that Robin Powell and Jonathan Hollow have co-authored, here are the three most recent reviews on Amazon:
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